
Monday, September 20, 2010

Oh My God at the Savoy on 9/23

Oh My God is an indie rock band from Chicago. They were formed in 1999 by Billy O' Neill and Ig (who's played on stage with Van Morrison, Buddy Guy, Jeff Healey and Otis Rush). This is a band that has had quite the tumultuous roller coaster ride of life throughout their career. Just weeks after O'Neill met organist Ig and moved all their equipment into the rehearsal space, a few practices later the building burned down. Not only did they lose all of their gear but they were also sued by the building manager who alluded to the fact that their carelessness had caused the fire. After 10 years of intermittent legal action the band was finally exonerated. This was only the beginning of the trail of bad luck, it almost makes you wonder if someone broke a mirror or two or maybe a few too many black cats crossed their path?
In 2004 the band's van was broken into and most of their equipment was stolen. Shortly thereafter a rear-end collision forced them to do their entire tour without the use of the now crushed back doors. In 2007 they were in a devastating automobile accident. An Ohio woman drunk at noon swerved into the wrong lane causing a head on collision at 55 m.p.h. The woman was killed and Oh My God had to be airlifted and then needed six months of recovery time for badly broken legs and hands. During their recuperation O'Neill and Ig focused on their songwriting and found inspiration in the music that they were creating. At the same time Billy and his wife moved steadily toward divorce and Ig’s wife was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Despite all the intense bumps in the road of life that this band has hit, the music that they create has been a driving force to lift them up and give them the determination to carry on. They have released seven albums and an EP with the most recent release being The Night Undoes The Work of the Day.
The current band line up includes Billy O'Neill on lead vocals and bass, Ig on organ and vocals, Zach Verdoon on guitar, bass, and vocals, and Danny Yost on the drums. This band has a shining talent and a fantastic musical aptitude that has garnered them comparisons from Quasi to Queen. They will be playing the Savoy in Ypsilanti this Thursday on 9/23.
For more information on Oh My God visit
Oh My God - 9/23, 8pm - The Savoy - 23 N. Washington - Ypsilanti, MI - (734) 485-4444 - - $7 

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