
Monday, March 8, 2010

Sarah Elizabeth Foster

Music opinion of the day:
Sarah Elizabeth Foster is a classically trained vocalist, pianist, and ballerina. Her voice is absolutely beautiful. Although the single "Be My Friend Always," has a lyric in it that slightly creeps me out. As part of the chorus she sings, "Wash me like a baby." I don't know why this irks me but it does. Maybe it won't creep you out, however her voice is quite angelic and has a fluidity that caresses the auditory senses.


  1. Hi Natalie,

    Thanks for posting my song. It's funny you should say that my "wash me like a baby" lyric slightly creeps you out. I remember when I thought of it walking down Houston street in New York City. It was night time and the words came to me at the same time as the melody. For a long time I kept it in my lyrics book and didn't sing it for anybody because I thought it would creep them out.

    You should know that the song truly is about friendship. It's inspired by a time when I was traveling in Germany with my friend and she injured herself and I had to take care of her and bathe her. It occurred to me that we don't often get to show our friends how much we care in this kind of way. It also occurred to me that I want friends who would take care of me like that.

    I hope this will help you fully enjoy the song, it's my favorite on the album.


  2. Sarah that absolutely does help and makes it very endearing and beautiful! You have an amazing voice :)
